Laboratory and Testing

Environmental Testing

Environmental Testing is a data collection activity involving the assessment of chemical, physical or biological factors in the environment which affect human health or the quality of life.

Environmental Testing refers to the tools and techniques designed to observe an environment, characterize its quality and establish environmental parameters.

The main objective of environmental monitoring is to manage and minimize the impact on an environment, either to ensure compliance with laws and regulations or to mitigate risks of harmful effects on the natural environment and protect the health of human beings.

We are offering extensive range of environmental services for customer’s statutory requirements as per the guidelines of CPCB, EMS-ISO 14001, OSHA, FSSAI, NIOSH & Buyer’s Audit etc.,

Environmental Testing
  • Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
  • Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
  • Noise Level Monitoring
  • Illumination Monitoring
  • Stack Emission Monitoring
  • Fugitive Emission Monitoring
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Monitoring
  • Meteorological Data Generation
  • Marine Monitoring Services
  • Wastewater & Sewage Analysis
  • Hazardous Waste Analysis
  • Soil & Sludge Analysis
  • Used & Waste Oil Analysis
Food Analysis

Food & Agri Products Testing

Food testing and analysis is an essential part of the food safety ecosystem to assure that the food is safe to consume. This includes strengthening the network of food testing laboratories, assuring quality of food testing, investing in human resources, carrying out surveillance activities and educating consumers.

  • Milk & Dairy Products
  • Oils & Fats (Edible Oils, Butter, Ghee)
  • Bakery & Confectionary Products
  • Spices & Condiments
  • Cooked & Infant Foods
  • Food Grains: Cereals, Millets & Pulses
  • Sugar & Sugar Products (Sugar Jaggery)
  • Animal Feeds (Poultry & Cattle Feeds)
  • Fruits & Nuts
  • Salt & Pickle
  • Tea & Honey

Water Testing

Water needed for human consumption, industrial and other purposes must cater to certain minimum standards regulated by statutory bodies. The quality of any water is defined by its physical, chemical & biological properties in general.

Water quality determines the 'goodness' of water for specific purposes and being tested to achieve regulatory requirements and to maintain safety.

Water Testing
  • Drinking Water
  • Bore well Water
  • Surface Water
  • Construction Water
  • Boiler Water
  • Cooling Tower Water
  • Swimming Pool Water
  • Food Industry Water
  • Reagent Grade Water

Consultancy Services

Team of highly qualified and experienced Chemical, Civil and Environmental Engineers with Technical Field Staff has designed and successfully implemented several projects.

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Turnkey Projects

Turnkey Projects

Our projects division is focused in developing the latest technology to make every project resulting in eco-friendly and economical friendly to the end user.

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